Saturday, December 6, 2008

Fanny Crosby - Be encouraged

Hello everyone,
I know we haven' t posted in a while life has a way of getting ahead of us sometimes.
I just wanted to encourage you all. It seems sometimes like this world is getting tougher, money is getting shorter, there is not much security. Just be encouraged hold your security in the only one who can give it to you Jesus Christ. I have heard it said sometimes we don't know that God is all we need until He is all we have. Times may change, people may change, your situations may change. The best thing to know is Jesus never changes. Hold your trust in the Christ of Calvary.
I came upon this video of the life of Fanny Crosby. She was an amazing woman. She was down to nothing but Jesus was right there with her. "When you are down to nothing, God is up to something"
Take a few minutes and watch this and be encouraged.
"If you are Faithful to the Faith, God is Faithful to the Faithful"

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