Sunday, September 18, 2011

Motherhood A Calling

Mothers, do you ever look at Motherhood as a calling?

It is not something we are to just do, we need to Embrace it and serve with JOY!

God has called us to Raise our Children for Him and for His Glory.
Eph 6:4 tells us to
"Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."
I asked my Husband about the word Admonition and I heard my 5 year old Daughter call the word "Add a Mission."
I thought that was so appropriate. 
Mothers we need to be on a "Mission" to train our Children for the Lord and to live for His Glory.
Living for the Glory of the Lord needs to be modelled by us for our children.

As Mother's we need to embrace our God Given Calling of Motherhood. 
Another verse that comes to mind is one that I have taught my children to memorize and can be put to practice so many times over and over in Motherhood responsibilities is
Phil 2:14
"Do all things without complaining and disputing."
So many times I am so tempted to complain about my responsibilities this is something I need to work on constantly.
Our Children are entrusted to us by Him,
We need to take good care of them and raise them for Him.
Do we as Mothers truly embrace what we know to be God's established role for our lives?
Embrace your Calling.

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